We Deliver Results

Not Promises

Boost Credability provides proven, affordable credit consulting services for everyone.

We challenge inaccurate items on your credit report based on factual disputes. 

We boost your credit scores the right way.

What we do

We challenge inaccurate items on your credit report. In addition, our team use the consumer laws that are set in place to protect you.

We work on your behalf to ensure that the credit bureaus and creditors alike are following the laws of the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act), FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act). 

Our methods are ethical, effective and designed to help you boost your credit reports accuracy. Best of all, you only pay for items that have been successfully disputed on your report.

How We Do It


First, we determined your financial situation by analyzing your credit report. Then we create an individual plan to help boost your credit scores by addressing your current situation.


We designed the detailed plan to improve the accuracy of your credit score and to restore your credit worthiness. Once the plan is in motion, we monitor the results to keep you inform. 


We  challenge the errors on your credit report with the credit bureaus and creditors. We use factual based disputes to send  letters on your behalf. We follow up with several rounds of letters.


Check what our clients are saying about us..

Charity costen 

Mary Kay Rep.

OMG!!! I was over the moon excited and couldn't believe how EASY  the process was to purchase a BRAND NEW car after my credit was cleaned... And it was $100 dollar less than my previous car note. Good credit change my life and my attitude about it. It's necessary!

Boost Credit Score Testimoinial

Rhiana Lindsey 

Property Management

Marc has helped me change my life. Credit is King! Not only is it about cleaning your credit but once you do get it clean you make sure you maintain it by paying your bills on time…Keeping your credit card usage low…all that good stuff.

Derogatory Credit Items List

Bad Credit Is Expensive

Why Pay More When You Don't Have To?