Anything can be challenged on your credit report. This includes liens, bankruptcies, repossessions, late payments, judgements, collections, name, address and more.
How much will my credit score go up?
Everyone's situation is different, therefore we can't give an exact number. It also depends on the number of positive items that remain on file after we have completed. It some instances, a client may have to rebuild from scratch. We can assist with the rebuilding process.
Can I pay more to speed up the process?
We do have an accelerated program that you can inquire about. This process is a more aggressive process designed to get faster. results. You can book an appointment if you are interested in discussing enrolling in this program.
Can negative items re-appear on my credit?
Yes, creditors may report an item that was previously removed. Creditors often sell negative accounts to collection agencies who can also report previously deleted items. That's why we challenge both creditors and credit bureaus to lessen the chance of that happening.
What guarantees do you provide?
Unfortunately, we can not provide any guarantees. The Credit Repair Organizations Act prohibits any credit repair agency from making such claims. You should beware of any company that makes misleading statements. We offer a Pay Per Delete pricing model that protects you!
How much does it cost to get started?
The setup cost to get started is $299. This covers our administrative cost. This includes stamps, certified mail, our staff and everything else we need to process your letters.
When should I start repairing my credit?
ASAP! Our average clients takes approximately 6 months before they're credit is completely clean. If you have immediate plans that you need better credit to achieve, we recommend starting today. This will give you to time ensure. you can reach your goals in due time.
What happens If I can't pay?
We often have situations where we remove more items than our clients can pay in one month. In those scenarios, we can offer a payment plan that stretches the payments across several months. If you can't make those payments, we can discuss additional options.
Does paying the debt remove it?
Unfortunately, that is not how it works. If you pay the debt off, it will show up on your credit as paid/closed. The debt will not be removed. It will only show that you paid it late. The debt will stay on your credit for 7 years in most states. Bankruptcies can stay for up to 10 years.
Is credit repair a scam?
Credit repair is not a scam. There are laws set in place that gives the consumer the legal right to dispute their credit file. When the process if performed within the guidelines, it is totally legal. Consumers do need to be aware of companies that do not follow these guidelines.